Year 3-4 - Disc Golf

By Smart Coach
Part of Smart Coach - Frisbee
To introduce the correct disc throwing techniques and to apply those techniques into a simplified version of disc golf.


What are some of the techniques we use when throwing the disc? (thumb facing forward and down, bring disc straight back NOT rotated around the body) What are some other factors we have to keep in mind when taking shots with our disc? (the direction and strength of the wind, where obstacles are placed)
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Warm Up

Frisbee (Disc Golf) - Disc Throwing Practice

Lay out spots in an open space. Using the correct disc golf technique (thumb facing forward, thumb down, bring back frisbee in a straight path), students must try to get their disc to land on a spot, while throwing from behind a designated line.


Have levels to the spots e.g. red ones further away, yellow ones closest.

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Frisbee (Disc Golf) - Disc Golf Short Round

Set up a 4-5 hole disc golf course using hoops and flags as holes, and using two cones as a place to tee off from on each hole. Be creative with how you set the holes up (through trees, around obstacles, off playground forts, etc). Students pair up with a disc between them and play through the holes, alternating who takes the shots. (The technique for disc golf is slightly different to ultimate frisbee. For instruction, please refer to video).

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