Paper Scissors Rock

By Smart Coach
Part of Sports - Paper Scissors Rock

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 181
Phase: Activities

Start off by placing one cone at an end of a court (Team A) and another opposite at the other end (Team B). If playing on a field, have the cones roughly 20metres apart from one another. Create a track that links the two cones by using hula hoops. Set the hula hoops out in a fashion where there are many routes that can be taken to travel between the cones that allow the players to move diagonally, forward, backward, sideways etc. Split the group into two teams and have them line up single file behind the cones. Place 3-6 bean bags by the cone that will act as money/treasure. The objective for both teams is to move from their cone, through the track of hula hoops to the other team and take their treasure. The team that can collect all treasure will be declared winners.


- Only one player can move through the track at a time from each team. 
- If players from both teams block (meet head on) each other whilst moving though the track, they must have a battle of paper, scissors, rock. The loser will return to their teams line and move to the back whilst the winner will be able to continue moving though the track. They must keep battling players from the opposing team in order to get to the hula hoop next to the cone so they can take treasure.
- Only one piece of treasure (bean bag) will be taken at a time
- If a player loses balance and steps outside of a hula hoop, they must return to their team and join the back of the line. The next player at the front of the line will then have their turn
- No hula hoop can be skipped whilst moving through the track


- To increase the difficulty, place spots on the ground instead of hula hoops. Players can choose any speed to move at but there is now a higher risk of losing balance and falling off.