Players (dribblers) with a football move around the area. One or two players
are robbers and attempt to intercept dribblers’ balls without making body contact. Play with one robber per seven dribblers
What to do:
One or two players are robbers and start without a ball. All other players (dribblers) spread out in the playing area with a ball each.
On your signal, robbers attempt to win possession of a player’s ball.
When a robber wins possession of a ball, the dribbler and robber change places.
Play continues until you call ‘Time!’
• Remind robbers not to kick wildly when attempting to win ball possession.
• A player will lose possession of the ball if they run out of the pitch to avoid a robber.
Change it
• All players have a ball and attempt to kick other players’ balls out of the area, while maintaining possession of their own ball.
• Decide how the robber should gain ball possession: • Easy — ball is ‘tagged’ (touched) by the robber
• Progression — 1 v 1 tackle.
Make playing area bigger/smaller. Have more robbers.
Change the way you move with the ball. change the type of ball