Disc Golf

By Smart Coach
Part of Frisbee Disc Golf - Golf Course

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 150
Phase: Activities

A golf course is set up using various obstacles/objects in the space provided to increase difficulty to get discs in golf holes. Hula hoops will be used as the target, whilst flag poles can mark where each hole is located and small cones will indicate where students will start each hole from. Students will work together in pairs and will be sent off to differing holes. Once the whistle has blown, each pair can begin. Students will work togther by taking turns and counting how many throws it took them to complete each hole (the course can have 5-10 holes depending on how much time is available). Once the course has been complete, students will tally up all their throws (e.g. 3 throws to comlpete hole #1, 5 throws to complete hole #2, 4 throws to complete hole #3 = 12 total) to figure out their total. The pair in the group that has the LOWEST score will be declared winners. 


- Create obstacles (e.g. have students throw their discs around/off playgrounds, hang hula hoops from trees/playgrounds/soccer or rugby posts so students have to throw their disc through the hoop)