The class is divided into groups of 6 with approximately 4-5 students in each depending on class numbers and will also have 5 tennis balls. One student will be a batter, while the rest will be positioned in the designated/coned area as fielders. The playing area will be divded into zones with the use of cones acting as boundaries for each fielder to be positioned in. You can create as many zones as you like but 4 would be optimal. The closest zone to the batter would be worth 1 point, the next zone 2, after this 3 points and the furtherest away would be worth 4. If the batter hits one of the tennis balls into zone 3 which is worth 3 points, the fielder will place the ball on the ground after retrieving it and leave it there. Once all 5 tennis balls have been hit, everyone will add up the points scored based on which zones the tennis balls have been hit into. Take all 5 tennis balls back to the tee and rotate positions.
Competition: once everyone has had a turn at batting, during the second round, players in each zone will become defenders - their job will be to stop tennis balls travelling past them into a zone worth more points.
Depending on the age/year group the zones can be spaced far apart making it harder to hit to the zones that are worth more points. Once everyone has had a turn at batting, during second round the players in each zone will become defenders - their job will be to stop tennis balls travelling past them into a zone worth more points.
Can use a tennis racquet to hit the ball with. Change the object the player is hitting - spike ball, Ki-O-Rahi Ball. Batter could essentially through the ball as an alternative.