Each student will be given a ball inside a designated area. The aim is for students to move with thier ball in the area with control, demonstrating many different ways of dribbling.
Round 1: Students move using as many different parts of their foot as possible.
Round 2: Same as round 1, except this time on the coaches whistle students will complete 5 toe taps before continuing with dribbling.
Round 3: Same as round 1, except this time on the coaches whistle students will complete 5 shuffling the ball (inside foot touches) before continuing with dribbling.
Round 4: Same as round 1, except this time on the coaches whistle students will complete 5 step overs (foot going around the ball without touching)before continuing with dribbling.
Round 5: Students will have a go at putting the 3 skills together to create a combination on the spot. eg,Tap,Tap, Step over, Step over, Shuffle, Shuffle
Teaching points: Keep ball close to body (small touches on the ball) for better control, keep the ball moving, challenge the students to keep their head up so they can see whats going on around them.
Make playing area bigger or smaller
Make playing area bigger or smaller, use hands to stop the ball.