Manipulative (Target) - Protect the Queen

By Smart Coach
Part of 3) Manipulative - Lesson 9 - Target (Moving)

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 144
Phase: Warm Up

Set up a row of three to four cones of the same colour and one cone behind that is a different colour. The cones at the front represent the "dragons" and the cone at the back is the "Queen". Divide the class into teams of four or five. Each member of the team takes turns at rolling the ball to try and knock the dragons over and then lastly the queen. If the queen is knocked over but there are still dragons remaining then the queen must be placed back up. The first team to knock over all the dragons and the queen wins.


Move spots further back. Change balls from big to small. Change from rolling to kicking.

Filters: Early childhood, Education, Sports,