Manipulative (Catching: Big Ball) - Foxes and Rabbits

By Smart Coach
Part of 3) Manipulative - Lesson 5 - Catching (Big Ball)

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 170
Phase: Warm Up

Define an area for the activity. Spread out a number of hoops within the area (approx 1 hoop for every 5 players). Each hoop has a ball. The hoops are “rabbit holes” or safe areas for one rabbit at a time. Rabbits are only allowed to stay in a rabbit hole whilst completing 5 catches with the ball to themselves then they must move on. When tagged by a fox, the rabbit has to perform 5 star jumps.


Change the number of hoops with balls. Make the area of play larger or smaller. Change the types of balls you are using. Change the number of catches required before having to leave the hoop. Change the number of taggers.

Filters: Early childhood, Education, Sports,