Locomotor (Dodging) - Elephant Ball

By Smart Coach
Part of 2) Locomotor - Lesson 5 - Dodging

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 151
Phase: Warm Up

Form a large circle with the use of spots being the border, ensure there will be enough spots for one per person. Each student in the class will stand on a spot of their choosing with two feet touching one another. One coach will stand in the centre of the circle with dodgeballs whilst the other positioned outside the perimeter. Inform students they are elephants, and by using their arms they can make a trunk which will be used to deflect dodgeballs off in other directions around the circle. The coach on the inside will start the game by rolling one dodgeball at a student. They can either dodge the ball by making a tunnel with their legs and letting it pass through, OR using their trunk they can hit the dodgeball away at another student around the circle. If a dodgeball makes contact with a students leg, they will lose one life (students will be given 10 lives each at the start of the round). Once the time is up, see which elephant/student has the most lives remaining. 

NOTE: the coach outside the circle will retrieve dodgeballs that have rolled through tunnels and throw them back to the coach in the middle so they can be rolled at students. 


- Add more dodgeballs to increase difficulty 
- Decrease the amount of lives each student recieves at the start of each round
- If a student loses all their lives, they will sit down on their spot and be eliminated (last elephant standing will be the winner). Elephants sitting down must not throw dodgeballs at other students that are still standing.

Filters: Early childhood, Education, Sports,