Partner pass
Divide players into pairs. Give them 2 cones (or other markers) and 1 football. Partners place their cones 5 yards apart and pass the football to each other.
They begin throwing from a kneeling position with the opposite knee forward, and transition to standing positions to understand the concept of ‘opposite foot forward’.
Challenge the students to see how many successful throws they can make before the ball is dropped within a specified time.
A successful throw is a throw that arrives at their partner above their belt line
Gripping the football:
index finger near the back tip of the ball
middle and 3rd finger across the laces
thumb on the opposite side
ensure there is a space between the ball and the palm of your hand
side to target
arm up and back (ball behind head, elbow above shoulder)
step towards the target with the opposite foot
rotate hips
follow through and across
Increase the distance between the two players. Ask players to position themselves so they throw in different directions: straight, left, right.
use a different type of ball