Force Back AFL

By Smart Coach
Part of  yr 3-8 - AFL Lesson 2 Torpedo kick

About this activity

Author: Smart Coach
Views: 141
Phase: Activities

First set up the area. The playing field can be set up to any dimensions. A suitable size would be approximately twice as long as the distance that the players can drop punt the ball (where the ball is dropped from the players hands and kicked before it hits the ground).


Teams can consist of any number of players, with the objective of kicking the ball through the opposition team’s goals. If the ball goes through oppostion's middle goal, this results in scoring 6 points. If the ball travels through oppositions wider goals this results in 1 point.

Once a point has been scored, the team against whom the point was scored may bring the ball back approximately 1 quarter of the distance of the playing field, and kick it to restart the game.

Wherever the team receiving the kick first touches the ball, is from where they must kick it back in order to try to force their opposition backwards – and ultimately – score. The person who has stopped the ball may punt kick, grubber kick or place it on the ground and soccer kick it – or hand it to a team mate (they cannot move with the ball). Share the ball around your team.

If a receiving team catches a kick on the full (before it has touched the ground); they are entitled to take 3 steps forward before taking their own kick. If the ball is kicked out of the playing area, the non-offending team receives possession where the ball went out; plus gains 3 steps forward.

Team with most points at end of the game wins.

Smaller games means more players involved.


Make playing area bigger or smaller, add or take away players, players can take more steps forward when catching the ball.

Special Needs Modifications

Allow for sending the ball in different ways, use different type of ball.

Filters: Rugby, Sports,